Thousands of people visit September 11th Memorials throughout the month of September. In fact, these historic locations are open all year round, so that the people who lost family members or friends (as well as those who may not have lost close loved ones, but who simply want to pay their respects) can always have a place to remember the innocent lives that were taken by terrorism on that tragic day in 2001.
The Flight 93 National Sept. 11th Memorial
This memorial location is located at 6424 Lincoln Highway in Stoystown, Pennsylvania, and is visited all year round from people all across the United States. The only time that the park grounds and trails are closed are during extreme weather and certain federal holidays. Other than that, they are visitable 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
It’s super easy to plan your visit at their official website, and there are always multiple things to do and places to visit while you are there. For example, their calendar of events include things like ranger programs and cell phone tours, beautiful trails, a visitors center, a learning center, the Tower of Voices, and of course, Memorial Plaza.
The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
This September 11th Memorial is located at 1 N. Rotary Road in Arlington VA, and is a beautiful tribute to all of the people who were killed at The Pentagon on that tragic day in 2001. The official online pages for the memorial (which are presented by the Department of Defense) also has pictures of each of the victims of the extremely deadly terrorist attack on the first page of the official National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial Website.
Benches with engraved names of victims and lit pools underneath each one at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Arlington, VA. Image from Stay Arlington.
One of the most beautiful things about this memorial location are the tributes to each life that was lost. Each memorial unit is a beautiful bench with an engraved victim’s name on it, and has a lit pool of water below it.
New York’s 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 Memorial & Museum is the top institution to learn and explore any and everything about the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, as well as the 1993 attacks on the same structure. There are tons of activities, exhibitions, tours, stores, and more that can be easily accessed by anyone who is interested.
The Memorial is open daily (the museum Thursday through Mondays), and is located at 180 Greenwich Street in New York City.
The Lives Lost on Sept. 11th, 2001
2,977 total people were killed when 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners, and used them as fatal weapons against our society. 2,753 of those were innocent people who died at the World Trade Center in New York, when American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 both crashed into the 110-story towers (one plane per tower) collapsing both towers in under two hours. 184 more people died at the Pentagon in Washington DC, when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the West Side Wall of the Pentagon and 40 more people died in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, when United Airlines Flight 93 crashed there.